This team supports industrial innovation through developing, building and implementing bespoke measurement solutions, allowing our clients access to reliable and accurate real-time process measurements.
We have a multidisciplinary team of engineers, research scientists, and technologists to support these activities.
Our multi-disciplinary team engages in research, development and deployment of novel on-line measurement systems that allow for the real-time monitoring of process input and output streams in resource and manufacturing industries. We work in close collaboration with our clients, from ideation and conceptualization to eventual deployment, to develop unique, fit for purpose solutions.
We have core competencies in spectroscopy, computer-based vision systems, instrument design and fabrication (both software and hardware) and interfacing these measurement instruments with live, difficult to handle, process streams. Our design and fabrication work are executed in full compliance with Alberta regulatory requirements.
By combining our deep expertise in the measurement system design and fabrication with our expertise in artificial intelligence and data science, our solutions assist our clients in realizing operational efficiencies. These solutions allow our clients to maximize profits while minimizing costs and environmental impacts.