Are you interested in learning about turquoise hydrogen (methane pyrolysis)? Join us at our Turquoise Hydrogen Production Course on Monday, April 24 at the Edmonton Convention Centre, from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM.
Turquoise hydrogen will be a vital part of Alberta’s path towards advancing the transition to a hydrogen economy. It uses natural gas as feed material, while producing little-to-no carbon dioxide, depending on the energy vector utilized for the process. In addition, it has the potential to produce a valuable elemental carbon product, which can generate revenue for the operation, depending on the design of the technology and catalyst used.
This course will introduce the leading technologies available for turquoise hydrogen production and provide fundamental basics to enable informed decision-making in the technology selection process. The course will also discuss the pros and cons of both centralized and decentralized production methods, and the basic information required to evaluate and understand different allotropes of elemental carbon. All the necessary analytical techniques for the characterization of the produced carbon types, such as carbon nanotubes, graphenes, graphite, and amorphous carbon, will also be explained.
Get your ticket:
Course outline:
- Canada and Alberta’s roadmap to the hydrogen economy
- Methane pyrolysis basics
- Production methods
- Compression and transportation
- Centralized vs. decentralized production approaches
- Elemental carbon basics
- Elemental carbon characterizations
Course Instructors:
Dr. Aref Najafi, PhD, PEng, CEM, EP, LSSBB, PMP is the Manager for Carbon Capture, Conversion and Decarbonization at InnoTech Alberta. He oversees technological advancements and development for technologies from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 to 8 at two separate facilities. Calgary research park lab facility for lower TRL technologies and Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Center, a facility established to de-risk and demonstrate technologies for higher TRL. InnoTech Alberta is keenly interested in advancing carbon capture and utilization (CCU) and hydrogen technologies through validation and de-risking for successful implementation and adoption by industry. Aref holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering, and he has 20 years of industrial experience in developing technologies and deploying them at a commercial scale.
Dr. Farbod Sharif, PhD, PEng is a Research Engineer in the Carbon Capture, Utilization & Decarbonization team at InnoTech Alberta. He has over 10 years of experience tackling environmental issues, from wastewater treatment to Carbon capture and conversion. Prior to joining InnoTech Alberta, Farbod worked as the Chief Technology Officer at Carbon Corp – a finalist of the Carbon XPrize and winner of the 2021 X-Factor award – for almost 3 years and led the team during the competition. Farbod holds a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Calgary.
Martin Huard, PhD, PEng is InnoTech’s Hydrogen Lead, coordinating the creation of test facilities and services for clean hydrogen technology development. Martin has worked at InnoTech Alberta since 2014. He also participates in the Carbon Capture, Conversion and Storage (CCCS) Working Group at Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA), where he provides technical support and guidance to the CCCS Working Group. Prior to his involvement in clean hydrogen and CCUS technologies, Martin was a project manager and researcher in the Materials & Reliability in Oil Sands (MARIOS) program, an industry-led consortium managed by InnoTech Alberta. Martin completed a PhD in Chemical Engineering at Western University in 2015, where he worked on fast pyrolysis of biomass and heavy crude oil to produce upgraded oil with reduced emissions.